Subjunctive KoL: FrontPage
Subjunctive KoL
Welcome to Subjunctive KoL! This site contains as much information as I can gather about the
Kingdom of Loathing.
Please be advised that this site contains a large amount of spoiler material. If you wish to avoid seeing excessive spoilers, please navigate carefully.
IMPORTANT NS-13 NOTE: All content on this site should be accurate as of before NS-13. However, NS-13 may cause some of this information to no longer be correct. Unfortunately, I am currently unable to update things, so be aware that there may be inaccuracies here.
Recipe pages
Adventures, quests, and areas
Item pages
How to get more
Calendar and special events
- KingdomCalendar - how the KoL calendar works, and information about special events
- CrimboPresents - information about the presents Jick has given the Kingdom on Crimbo
- CrimboTown - information about Crimbo Town, the special feature of Crimbo 2005
- SaveUncleCrimbo - information about the Save Uncle Crimbo! quest in Crimboween 2006
- HalloweenSpoilers - information about how KoL Halloween works
- StSneakyPete - information about how St. Sneaky Pete's day works
- FeastOfBoris - information about the Feast of Boris. Eat, eat, eat!
- EasterSpoilers - information about how KoL Easter works
- StSneakyPeteOysterDay - information about the bizarre holiday created by the confluence of St. Sneaky Pete's Day and Oyster Day
- ColumbusDaySpoilers - information about Cristobal Colon and the "Gray Plague" he brought to the Kingdom
- TemporalRifts - information about the temporal rifts which have mysteriously sprung up in the Kingdom
- ZombieSpoilers - information about the horrible zombie fate of the Kingdom
Other informational pages
- SkillsList - a list of all of the various skills you can acquire in the Kingdom
- EffectsList - a list of various effects that you can benefit from or suffer; pretty spoilerish
- FamiliarList - familiars: where to find them, what they do, don't read this if you don't want to know those things
- MushroomFarming - a guide on how to get the most mushrooms out of the Mushroom Fields in Degrassi Knoll
- OutfitList - a list of the various outfits, how to get them, and what they do
- ElementalEffects - information about the effects of the various elements in the Kingdom
- ElementalResistance - information about the elemental resistance available in the Kingdom
- BuffBots - information on the buff bots active in KoL
- MobHits - information about the Penguin Mafia's latest dastardly deeds
- MoonEffects - the moons can modify how stats are gained; explanation within
- TenLeafCloverEffects - a description of the various effects of a 10-leaf clover
Miscellaneous interesting information
- UnsolvedMysteries - currently unexplained items which have appeared in the Kingdom
- ClassLevels - a list of titles of each class at each level
- TrophyHut - a list of trophies that can be obtained at the Trophy Hut, and how to get them
- TattooList - a list of the various tattoos available
- AchievementList - a list of the various achievements you can see in your quests section, and how to get them
- StartingItems - a list of items the various classes start with
- UnavailableItems - a list of the items in the game that are no longer available
ExternalLinks -- some other KoL sites that might be useful
AboutThisSite -- information about this site, including contact information and credits
ToDoList -- what's missing from this site (for now)
What's New
- 4/21/08: The below is still true. I did update SkillsList with the new Pastamancer damage formulas.
- 2/12/08: Just a quick status update for faithful readers (if I still have any). If you've been paying attention to AdventureSpoiler, you'll notice that I've been gradually adding new data. I'm still collecting, and am aiming for a grand relaunch of the site. It'll probably be a couple of months, however. Thanks for reading!
- 12/13/07: It looks like Crimbo lag is upon us, so don't expect much to appear for the rest of the month. (And yes, there have been updates over the past few weeks -- though I know I'm still way behind.)
- 12/10/07: So I just figured out that XP is now equal to power/4 instead of power/5. This explains a lot of weird things I've been seeing! I've updated AdventureSpoiler and AreaDifficulty accordingly. There'll be more changes too; I have to reprocess a lot of data. Stay tuned!
- 10/12/07: Added the Oasis to AdventureSpoiler, and all of its items, recipes, equipment, etc. to the appropriate locations.
- 10/9/07: Added all of the new outfits to HalloweenSpoilers, just in time for Halloween.
- 9/20/07: No, I'm not dead! I have been gathering data, but no time to actually add it to the site. But it will be here eventually. Anyway, I have updated FernswarthysBasement with information on the new basement and some tips.
- 8/9/07: A new StSneakyPete day, and another new glowstick.
- 7/20/07: The first NS-13 area, the Black Forest, has been added. Well, mostly. I'm still kind of buried in work, so expect further delays.
- 6/24/07: I'm afraid I have a bit of bad news: NS-13 has come at pretty much the worst possible time for me, so I probably won't be able to update the site with any NS-13 newness for at least a few weeks. I will return eventually. Sorry!
Older updates are documented in UpdateArchive.
Check out the
Noblesse Oblige Kingdom of Loathing Calendar, your one-stop shop for all of your calendar needs!
Kingdom of Loathing and the stick figure graphic are copyright ©
2004 Asymmetric Publications, LLC.