Subjunctive KoL   Subjunctive KoL: SmithingRecipes

These are some things you can smith. This page also includes some hats, weapons, pants, and accessories you make via combining (rather than smithing); these are listed at the bottom.

A note on the skirt / kilt kit: When a male character smiths an item using the skirt / kilt kit, he'll make a kilt. When a female character smiths an item using the skirt / kilt kit, she'll make a skirt. The skirt and kilt are functionally identical, however, and are also functionally identical as pants made using the same items (with one minor exception: only the furry pants count towards the Furry Suit).

Basic items

Anyone can make these items with nothing more than a tenderizing hammer or access to Innabox.


(a secret blend of herbs and spices = cook together herbs + spices)



(combine spider web + spider web = really sticky spider web; combine really sticky spider web + really sticky spider web = really really sticky spider web)

Accessories and off-hand items

Crimbo 2003 items (anyone can make these)

Crimbo 2004 items (anyone can make these)

St. Sneaky Pete's Oyster Day 2006 items (anyone can make these)

Crimbo 2006 items (anyone can make these)

Super-advanced items

You need the Seal Clubber skill Super-Advanced Meatsmithing to make these items. Innabox cannot make them.

Meat stacks


Armorcrafty items

You need the Turtle Tamer skill Armorcraftiness to make these items. Innabox cannot make them.




Off-hand items


Combining recipes

These recipes are made by combining (using meat paste) rather than smithing. Anyone can make these.





Off-hand Items

Finally, there is one accessory that can be made by cooking: