Subjunctive KoL   Subjunctive KoL: PulverizeGuide

Pulverize is a level-15 Seal Clubber skill. Getting the skill grants you two abilities:

Note that neither pulverizing nor using the Malus takes any Adventures. You must have a tenderizing hammer in order to pulverize things, however.

Basic Principles

Pulverizing is quite simple. When you pulverize a piece of equipment, it is destroyed, and you get one or more of the following items:

The exact rules are not known precisely (and there is some randomness -- pulverizing the same item will not always yield the same results), but here are the general principles:

The Malus of Forethought

The Malus of Forethought can be used to convert items into more powerful versions. You can trade in 5 powder of the same kind for 1 nugget of that type, and similarly you can trade in 5 nuggets of the same kind for 1 wad of that type.


The powders may be consumed directly to yield 5 adventures of an effect which gives you resistance against the given element (with twinkly counting as "physical"). They may also be cooked (except for the twinkly powder) with a scrumptious reagent (if you have Advanced Saucecrafting) to create a phial of that elemental form. See RecipeList for details. The consumption effects are:


The nuggets may be consumed directly to yield 5 adventures of an effect which gives you bonus damage of that element (again, with twinkly counting as "physical"). If you have The Way of Sauce skill, you can cook the nuggets (except the twinkly nuggets) with a scrumdiddlyumptious solution to get an elemental and sour sauce. See RecipeList for details. The consumption effects are:


The wads are much more powerful when consumed. They yield 1 Adventure, stat boots in all three stats, and 10 adventures of an effect which gives you both elemental resistance and added elemental damage, plus increasing your stats as well. However, this comes at the price of 1 spleen damage, so you can't consume an unlimited number of wads. The wads (again, except the twinkly wad) can be cooked with a scrumdiddlyumptious solution to produce a different elemental wad; the sequence goes hot wad → cold wad → spooky wad → stench wad → sleaze wad → hot wad.

Ultimate Wad

Pulverizing an ultra-rare (hypnodisk, crazy bastard sword, Talisman of Baio, incredibly dense meat gem, or hockey stick of furious angry rage; presumably also a Platinum Yendorian Express Card or Talisman of Bakula) will yield the coveted ultimate wad. The courageous (and crazy -- did I mention crazy?) people who have tried this have discovered that consuming the ultimate wad will yield a number of stats in your main stat exactly equal to one level's worth (of your current level), with half that much in each of your secondary stats, at a cost of all 15 of your spleen.