Subjunctive KoL: AscensionSpoilers
Be warned: This page is SPOILERTASTIC! If you're looking for a more general page on Ascension strategy, try AscensionStrategy.
Quick jump to: Degrassi Knoll | Little Canadia | Gnomad Camp
Please note that a lot of the stuff which used to be on this page (such as the effects of the ordinary items) has now been moved to the appropriate locations, such as HatList, WeaponsList, PantsList, AccessoryList, RecipeList, CocktailCrafting, ItemEffects, EffectsList, etc.
I couldn't have done the Degrassi Knoll and Gnomad Camp sections without help, so big thanks to people who have contributed to this page: sickbacchus, Cisco, Neptunie, Socrates, That One Guy23, univector llama, Barnaby36, TurtleMan3000, Spiffie, Bagheera, Luren, Saucy Sauceror, SilverFoxfire, delgard, Sefer1, El Dude, Famoth83, DerMagus, Pocket, StrudelNinja, Faerador, Demon_Prince, IceColdFever, LustyPirateWench, sinupret, Meteor13, Princess_D, Morbank, Cruce Bambell, ayden, Ceasarious, Modgnik, Bonnikers, shengii, Dew Man, SentiuS, CreoleChris, Liath, TimScheff, Cres, Aradan, lorenzo, Killhearty, Lonna, Wimsey, darknexus, PhoenixBeauty, TBurkett, The Big O, MissPolka, and Ninja_dog!
If you're looking for help in defeating the Naughty Sorceress, check out the NaughtySorceressLair section of QuestSpoilers.
Once you have defeated the Naughty Sorceress, you will be given the option to Ascend. Make sure that you do everything you want to do on the earthly plane (clean up your inventory, use any remaining adventures, etc.) before you Ascend. When you ascend, you'll have the chance to kick around Valhalla for a while, and then eventually be re-incarnated as a new Adventurer. For more information on the details of your new incarnation, see
the official Ascension FAQ.
You will have your choice of the following nine signs:
- MUSCLE: mongoose, wallaby, vole
- MYSTICALITY: platypus, oppossum, marmot
- MOXIE: wombat, blender, packrat
The choice determines which of the three new areas will be available to you. If you choose Muscle, you will get the inside of Degrassi Knoll. If you pick a Mysticality sign, Little Canadia will be open to you. If you choose a Moxie sign, then you will get the Gnomish Gnomads' Camp. The three signs within each class also presumably have some difference between them; here's what I've figured out so far:
- Mongoose: occasionally gets 1-3 bonus muscle points after battle (tested & proven)
- Wallaby (no well-supported theories)
- Vole: increases critical hit chance by +.5x (tested & proven) (see
this forum thread)
- Platypus: occasionally gets 1-3 bonus mysticality points after battle (tested & proven)
- Opossum: gets more adventures from food
- Marmot: occcasionally finds a ten-leaf clover after a non-combat adventure (tested & proven)
- Wombat: occasionally gets 1-3 bonus moxie points after battle (tested & proven)
- Blender: seems to get more adventures from drink (likely)
- Packrat: seems to get more items (and possibly more meat) (likely but not thoroughly tested)
When you visit Mt. Noob, the Toot Oriole will give you a letter from King Ralph XI. Opening this letter will give you the class tattoo for your new class, a gemstone, and your ascension tattoo (see "Ascension Rewards" below). There are three possible gemstones -- hamethyst (mus), baconstone (mys), and porquoise (mox). As far as I can tell, the gemstone you get is random.
Here's a rundown of what you get in each area.
- The Plunger -- combines items for free
- The Bakery -- a shop which sells the same items as the Bugbear Bakery, but without any requirements. See PurchaseLocations for a full list.
- The Gym -- like the clan Muscle gym, but more powerful
- General Store -- a store which sells the items you would ordinarily get from the Knoll. See PurchaseLocations for a full list.
- Mayor Zapruder -- gives you various additional quests
- First quest: You must investigate the Bugbear Pens in the Spooky Forest to find the source of the disturbance there. To complete the quest, you must defeat an annoying spooky gravy fairy. This gets you an annoying pitchfork, which you then show to the mayor.
- Second quest: You must grow one of the 3rd-generation mushrooms for the mayor. The mayor will then impregnate it (not like that, you pervert!), allowing you to make it into a familiar, which you'll need for the third quest.
- Third quest: Adventure into the Spooky Gravy Barrow, using the familiar you obtained in the second part. You must obtain an Inexplicably Glowing Stone, some Spooky Fairy Gravy, and a small leather glove. Cooking the latter two items together allows you to reach the fight with Queen Felonia. Defeat her and return to the Mayor, who then rewards you with 6 mushroom fermenting solutions.
- Innabox -- smiths items for free. He also gives you the screwdriver for the Untinker. Unfortunately, he cannot smith anything requiring advanced skills (even if you have the skill yourself).
- Mushroom Fields -- allows you to buy a plot of land where you can grow mushrooms. See MushroomFarming for more information.
Quest Areas
- Bugbear Pens (in the Spooky Forest; opens when the Mayor gives you the first quest; requires 13 of your primary stat to adventure)
- Monster: An annoying spooky gravy fairy (20 HP, 4 XP; annoying pitchfork, +0 Meat)
- Monster: An angry bugbear (12 HP, 3 XP; +0 Meat)
- Monster: A bugged bugbear (14 HP, 3-4 XP; gnoll teeth, gnoll lips; +0 Meat)
- Monster: mad bugbears (13 HP, 3-4 XP; +0 Meat)
- Monster: A revolting bugbear (10 HP, 2-3 XP; +0 Meat)
- Monster: A revolving bugbear (11 HP, 2-3 XP; +0 Meat)
- After completing the quest, the Bugbear Pens adventures change:
- ONCE ONLY: Bugbear Baker (gingerbread bugbear)
- Beauty Is Only Fur Deep (+10 Mys)
- Deuces Wild (+10 Mox)
- It Doesn't Grow On Trees, You Know! (+75 Meat)
- Ma Cherie (+10 Mox)
- Nothin' Up My Sleeve (+10 Mys)
- The Animal Instinct (+50 Meat)
- The Right To Bugbear Arms (+10 Mus)
- Wrasslin (+10 Mus)
- In disguise, you can also get:
- ONCE ONLY: One Day in the Life (-10 Adventures)
Warning: It appears that Bugbear Baker and One Day in the Life are mutually exclusive -- you can only get one. So if you want to get the trophy, you have to not to get the Bugbear Baker adventure. If you do get the Bugbear Baker, you're out of luck.
- Spooky Gravy Barrow (requires special gravy fairy familiar to enter; main stat must be 40 to adventure)
- Monster: spooky gravy fairy guard (45 HP, 11 XP; spooky mushroom, halfberd, small leather glove; +0 Meat)
- Monster: spooky gravy fairy ninja (55 HP, 13 XP; spooky mushroom, teeny-tiny ninja stars, tiny ninja sword; +0 Meat)
- Monster: spooky gravy fairy warlock (50 HP, 12 XP; spooky mushroom, enchanted toothpick; +0 Meat)
- ONCE ONLY: Luminosity (inexplicably glowing rock)
- ONCE ONLY: Spooky Wheelbarrow (2 spooky fairy gravy)
- Finding Neverevereverland (+5 Mus, +5 Mys, +5 Mox)
- The following is all one adventure. Once you have defeated Queen Felonia, you don't get it any more.
- Heart of Very, Very Dark Darkness (choose one of the following options)
- Enter the cave (without inexplicably glowing rock: proceed to Darker Than Dark; with rock: proceed to How Depressing)
- Don't enter the cave (nothing)
- Darker Than Dark (choose one of the following options)
- Stumble around blindly (-all HP)
- Leave the cave (nothing)
- How Depressing (choose one of the following options)
- Put your hand in the depression (with spooky glove equipped: proceed to On the Verge of a Dirge; without: nothing)
- Leave (nothing)
- On the Verge of a Dirge (choose one of the following options)
- Enter the chamber (proceed to Queen Felonia)
- Enter the chamber (No Other Possibility.) (proceed to Queen Felonia)
- Enter the chamber (Seriously.) (proceed to Queen Felonia)
- ONCE ONLY: Monster: Felonia, Queen of the Spooky Gravy Fairies (approx. 80 HP, 15 XP; spooky cosmetics bag, spooky bicycle chain; +0 Meat)
Mushroom growing -- see MushroomFarming
Combinations, outfits, tattoos, familiars, etc.
- wholeberd = combine halfberd + halfberd (weapon (polearm); requires 25 Muscle; 80 power)
- spooky glove = cook small leather glove + spooky fairy gravy (accessory; never fumble, +5 Moxie, +5 spooky damage)
- sequined fez = smith basic meat fez + teeny-tiny ninja stars (hat; requires 25 Moxie; 80 power, +3 moxie)
- cool mushroom casserole = cook cool mushroom + Gnollish casserole dish (6-11 A, 35-40 Mys, 4 F)
- cream of pointy mushroom soup = cook pointy mushroom + glass of goat's milk (2-5 A, -3 HP, 35-39 Mox, 2 F)
- spicy mushroom quesadilla = cook warm mushroom + flat dough (4-7 A, 35-39 Mus, 3 F)
- pregnant flaming mushroom -- When you give the requested mushroom to the Mayor, he'll give you one of these.
- pregnant frozen mushroom
- pregnant stinky mushroom
- Flaming Gravy Fairy (familiar) -- Made from a pregnant flaming mushroom. Has the looting benefits of a gravy fairy, but also attacks with fire damage.
- Frozen Gravy Fairy (familiar) -- Made from a pregnant frozen mushroom. Has the looting benefits of a gravy fairy, but also attacks with cold damage.
- Stinky Gravy Fairy (familiar) -- Made from a pregnant stinky mushroom. Has the looting benefits of a gravy fairy, but also attacks with stench damage.
- flaming glowsticks (familiar equipment) -- +5 Flaming Gravy Fairy level
- iced-out bling (familiar equipment) -- +5 Frozen Gravy Fairy level
- limburger biker boots (familiar equipment) -- +5 Stinky Gravy Fairy level
You can also make wines out of the mushrooms by cocktailcrafting them with the mushroom fermenting solution. See CocktailCrafting for the list.
A note on equipment for the special gravy fairies: When you take them to the Arena and win a prize, you always get the message that they don't have anything special for that kind of familiar and you only get a lead necklace. This is deliberate; the only way to get the special equipment for the gravy fairies is to ascend more than 3 times as a Muscle sign. Then, the Mayor will start giving you equipment for the fairies.
- Outskirts of Camp Logging Camp (adventure area)
- Monster: axe handle (3 HP, 1 XP; pine tar; +0 Meat)
- Monster: cloud of disembodied whiskers (3 HP, 1 XP; shaving cream; +0 Meat)
- Monster: forest spirit (3 HP, 1 XP; forest tears; +0 Meat)
- Monster: poutine ooze (3 HP, 1 XP; poutine; +0 Meat)
- Jammin' on the Axe (+4 Mus)
- Like Hoofball (+4 Mox)
- The Inverse is Also True (+4 Mys)
- Camp Logging Camp (adventure area; requires 30 of your primary stat to adventure)
- Monster: decent lumberjack (35 HP, 7 XP; poutine, disbelief suspenders; +19-26 Meat)
- Monster: lumberjack supervisor (40 HP, 8 XP; balaclava, balaclava baklava; +33-38 Meat)
- Monster: lumberjill (36 HP, 7-8 XP; Blatantly Canadian, maple syrup, (T) supportive bra; +21-26 Meat)
- Monster: lumberjuan (35 HP, 7 XP; leaflet, wooden axe, los chinos; +21 Meat)
- Rock and Roll, eh? (+100 Meat, +15 Mox)
- Time to Split (+100 Meat, +15 Mys)
- What a Tosser! (+100 Meat, +15 Mus)
- Little Canadia Jewelers -- a shop which sells jewelrymaking components. See also "Jewelrymaking" below.
- piercing post -- 64 Meat
- necklace chain -- 70 Meat
- ring setting -- 200 Meat
- jewelry-making pliers -- 1,000 Meat
- Chez Snootée -- sells various kinds of food. BEWARE: When you buy one of these, you eat it immediately! You can't choose to keep it for later. Here are the foods:
- Peche a la Frog -- 50 Meat (3-4 A, 3 F)
- Au Jus Gezund Heit -- 75 Meat (5-6 A, 4 F)
- Bouillabaise Coucher Avec Moi -- 100 Meat (6-8 A, 5 F)
- Today's Special -- a random regular food
- The Institute for Canadian Studies -- this is like the clan Mysticality gym, but much more effective.
- The Super-Secret Canadian Mind-Control Device -- allows you to make monsters in the Kingdom tougher. Higher numbers = more toughness. It appears that each number on the dial increases monster levels by 1, so a setting of 5 will increase all stat gains by 1 and a setting of 10 will increase all stat gains by 2.
Combinations, outfits, tattoos, familiars, etc.
- OK Lumberjack outfit = balaclava + los chinos + disbelief suspenders (maple leaf tattoo; otherwise no effect)
- combine leaflet + leaflet = leaf (item)
- combine leaf + maple syrup = maple leaf (familiar)
- mix Blatantly Canadian + bottle of whiskey = lumbering jack (booze) (4-8 A, 11-14 Mys, 3 D)
- Whirling Maple Leaf (familiar): During battle, slices your opponent for damage; after battle, restores some MP. The MP restoration is useful at low levels, but against higher level opponents it seems to happen less often. The damage is pretty low at low levels, but it does hit a lot, so it's pretty useful too.
- tiny Mountie hat (familiar equipment): +5 Whirling Maple Leaf level.
Jewelrymaking -- see JewelryMaking
Bosses and Mind Control and You
One of the other functions of the mind control device is that when you fight the "boss" monsters (Baron von Ratsworth, the Boss Bat, Goblin King, and Bonerdagon) with the mind control on certain settings, you get special items! (For the Boss Bat and the Bonerdagon, these are in addition to the regular item, while for the Goblin King, it's in place of the Crown, and for the Baron, it replaces the monocle.) These items, and the settings used to obtain them are:
- Boss Bat Britches (pants; requires 17 Moxie; 65 power, +5 Moxie) -- setting 4
- Boss Bat Bling (accessory; requires 17 Mysticality; +3 Muscle, +3 Moxie) -- setting 8
- Cape of the Goblin King (accessory; requires 20 Mysticality; +7 Moxie) -- setting 7
- Glass Balls of the Goblin King (off-hand item; requires 20 Mysticality; +14 Mysticality) -- setting 3
- Rib of the Bonerdagon (weapon (staff); requires 25 Muscle, 80 power, +5 Muscle, +5 Mysticality, +15 spell damage) -- setting 5
- vertebra of the Bonerdagon (item) -- setting 10
- Bonerdagon necklace = combine vertebra of the Bonerdagon + hemp string (accessory; requires 25 Mysticality, +5 Muscle, +5 Moxie, +30% initiative)
- Baron Von Ratsworth's tophat (hat; requires 22 Moxie; 75 power, +5 all stats) -- setting 9
- Baron Von Ratsworth's money clip (accessory; +15% Meat from monsters) -- setting 2
There is one ultra-rare in Camp Logging Camp dropped by a hockey elemental, as discovered by Thaumaturge Nirlem. It has been confirmed by Jick as being an ultra-rare dropping by the same mechanism as the Baio, hypnodisk, etc. Here's the stats:
- hockey stick of furious angry rage (accessory; requires 35 mysticality; +30 to monster level, +5% muscle)
- Fragnk, the Regnaissance Gnome -- sells skills. New skills cost 5000 meat each.
- Powers of Observatiogn -- This skill makes you observant, like a very, very observant gnome. It increases the number of items you find when fighting monsters.
- Gnefarious Pickpocketing -- This skill lets you gaffle a little bit more Meat from monsters you defeat.
- Torso Awaregness -- This skill allows you to understand how to use the middle part of your body to wear things known as "shirts."
- Gnomish Hardigness -- This skill makes you hardy, like a gnome. A hardy gnome. A hardy boy gnome, or a hardy girl gnome. Doesn't really matter.
- Cosmic Ugnderstanding -- Like a mystical, mystical gnome, you're more in touch with the Cosmos than most people are. And with the Redbooks.
- The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery -- sells various kinds of drinks. BEWARE: When you buy one of these, you drink it immediately! You can't choose to keep it for later. Here are the drinks:
- Petite Porter -- 50 Meat (3-5 A, 3 D)
- Scrawny Stout -- 75 Meat (3-6 A, 3 D)
- Infinitesimal IPA -- 100 Meat (3-8 A, 3 D)
- Today's Special -- a random regular drink
- Thugnderdome (adventure area; requires 25 of your primary stat to adventure)
- gnarly gnome (35 HP, 7 XP; clockwork key, flange; +0 meat)
- gnasty gnome (35 HP, 7 XP; clockwork key, flange; +0 meat)
- gnefarious gnome (35 HP, 7 XP; cog, flange, sprocket; +0 meat)
- Gnomester Blomester (35 HP, 7 XP; cog, flange, spring; +0 meat)
- gnu jack gnome (35 HP, 7 XP; flange, spring, sprocket; +0 meat)
- vicious gnauga (40 HP, 9 XP; gnauga hide; +0 meat)
- Gnirf, the World's Sneakiest Gnome -- this is like the clan Moxie gym, but much more effective.
- Gnorman, the Supertinker -- This gnome tinkers together combinations of three different objects to produce new and interesting combinations. See SupertinkerRecipes for details.
Supertinkering -- see SupertinkerRecipes
Combinations, outfits, tattoos, etc.
- clockwork detective skull (hat; requires 25 Moxie; 80 power) -- combine clockwork sphere + gnoll lips. Like a detective skull, but offers information about the monster's relative power as well as its HP. Unfortunately, it's no more accurate than a detective skull.
- clockwork maid head = combine clockwork sphere + maiden wig
- clockwork maid = combine clockwork maid head + maid body. A clockwork maid provides +8 adventures per day when installed at your campsite. You can't have both a clockwork maid and a regular maid.
- clockwork bartender head = combine clockwork sphere + beer goggles. Can be used to make a clockwork bartender-in-the-box in the same way as with a regular bartender skull.
- clockwork chef head = combine clockwork sphere + chef's hat. Can be used to make a clockwork chef-in-the-box in the same way as with a regular chef skull.
- gnauga hide chaps (pants; requires 25 Moxie; 80 power, +30 damage absorption) -- smith gnauga hide + pants kit, requires the Turtle Tamer skill Armorcraftiness
- gnauga hide kilt (pants; requires 25 Moxie; 80 power, +30 damage absorption) -- smith gnauga hide + skirt / kilt kit; requires a male character with the Turtle Tamer skill Armorcraftiness
- gnauga hide skirt (pants; requires 25 Moxie; 80 power, +30 damage absorption) -- smith gnauga hide + skirt / kilt kit; requires a female character with the Turtle Tamer skill Armorcraftiness
- gnauga hide whip (weapon (whip); 20 power, +3% item drops) -- smith gnauga hide + whip kit, requires the Seal Clubber skill Super-Advanced Meatsmithing
- gnauga hide buckler (accessory; requires 30 Mysticality; +20 damage absorption, +3 all attributes) -- smith gnauga hide + buckler buckle, requires the Turtle Tamer skill Armorcraftiness
- Gnauga Hides (outfit) = gnauga hide chaps + gnauga hide whip + gnauga hide buckler (gnauga tattoo; other effects unknown)
- Clockwork Apparatus (outfit) = clockwork trench coat + clockwork hat + clockwork pants (clockwork tattoo)
- The clockwork apparatus does something interesting to save you when you fumble -- reported effects include refreshing you, attacking your opponent, or taking you out of harm's way. The Big O has done some very comprehensive work on the exact effects, as follows:
- A pair of strange mechanical arms refreshes you (+10-15 HP and MP)
- A boxing glove punches your opponent (10-20 damage)
- Helicopter blades lift you to safety (opponent gets no attack)
- A yellow dog ties up your opponent (opponent gets no attack)
- All effects occur with approximately equal frequency.
- MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech (familiar) -- use a deactivated MicroMechaMech (-3 HP)
- targeting chip (familiar equipment) -- makes MicroMechaMech attacks better
- unwound clockwork grapefruit (familiar) -- cook clockwork endoskeleton + grapefruit
- Clockwork Grapefruit (familar) -- does damage during battle, in a very Clockwork Orange-like fashion.
- false eyelashes (familiar equipment) -- +5 clockwork grapefruit level
Other Ascension Stuff
Ascension Rewards
Every time you complete a normal Ascension, you will receive the following goodies in your letter from King Ralph XI:
- a random gem (hamethyst, baconstone, or porquoise)
- the class tattoo for your new class
- a hollow Roman numeral tattoo indicating the number of softcore ascensions you have completed (going up to XI+ for 12 or more)
- a disassembled clover
If you complete a pathed ascension, your letter will contain additional goodies:
- Retenez L'Herbe Paté -- for completing a Teetotaller ascension
- bottle of single-barrel whiskey -- for completing a Boozetafarian ascension
- Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air -- for completing Oxygenarian ascension (20 A, 64 Mus, 62 Mys, 68 Mox, 5? spleen damage)
But wait, there's more! If you complete a normal Hardcore ascension, you will get the following goodies:
- a pork elf goodies sack, containing five gemstones
- a special sparkly class tattoo
- a solid Roman numeral tattoo indicating the number of hardcore ascensions completed (also going up to XI+)
- a disassembled clover
- one of the following stainless steel items, depending on your class:
- stainless steel scarf (accessory; requires 30 mysticality, one only; +20 spell damage, +20 to monster level, +15% Mysticality) -- for completing a hardcore ascension as a Sauceror
- stainless steel shillelagh (weapon (club); requires 30 muscle; 90 power, +20 melee damage, 4x chance of critical hit, +15% Muscle) -- for completing a hardcore ascension as a Seal Clubber
- stainless steel skullcap (hat; requires 30 moxie, 90 power; +30 maximum HP, +60 damage absorption, +15% Muscle) -- for completing a hardcore ascension as a Turtle Tamer
- stainless steel solitaire (accessory; requires 30 mysticality, one only; -2 MP to use skills, +2 adventures/day, +15% Mysticality) -- for completing a hardcore ascension as a Pastamancer
- stainless steel slacks (pants; requires 30 moxie; 90 power, +15% initiative, +20% Meat, +15% Moxie) -- for completing a hardcore ascension as a Disco Bandit
- stainless steel suspenders (accessory; requires 30 mysticality, one only; +60 damage absorption, +40 maximum MP, +15% Moxie) -- for completing a hardcore ascension as an Accordion Thief
Completing a hardcore pathed ascension gets you even more!
- For completing a hardcore Boozetafarian ascension, you get three bottles of single-barreled whiskey and a crossed-out food tattoo
- For completing a hardcore Teetotaller ascension, you get three Retenez L'Herbe Paté and a crossed-out beer tattoo
- For completing a hardcore Oxygenarian ascension, you get three canned air, an oxygen tattoo, an even more sparkly class tattoo, and a nifty plexiglass item! (Note: The plexiglass item is in place of the stainless steel item -- you only get one. Yes, that means compulsive collector types like me will have to do twelve hardcore ascensions!)
- plexiglass pants (pants; requires 75 moxie; 180 power, +25% initiative, +20% item drops from monsters, +30% Moxie) -- for a Disco Bandit hardcore oxygenarian ascension
- plexiglass pendant (accessory; requires 75 mysticality, one only; never fumble, keep 4 songs in your head, +30% Moxie) -- for an Accordion Thief hardcore oxygenarian ascension
- plexiglass pike pike (weapon (spear); requires 75 muscle; 180 power, +25 melee damage, +10 PvP fights per day, +30% Muscle) -- for a Seal Clubber hardcore oxygenarian ascension
- plexiglass pinky ring (accessory; requires 75 mysticality, one only; +30 spell damage, resistance to all elements, +30% Mysticality) -- for a Sauceror hardcore oxygenarian ascension
- plexiglass pith helmet (hat; requires 75 moxie; 180 power, +5 familiar weight, regenerate 10-12 HP and 10-12 MP per adventure, +30% Muscle) -- for a Turtle Tamer hardcore oxygenarian ascension
- plexiglass pocketwatch (accessory; requires 75 mysticality, one only; -3 MP to use skills, +3 adventures/day, +30% Mysticality) -- for a Pastamancer hardcore oxygenarian ascension
Big thanks to sickbacchus, Cisco, and Neptunie for the scoop on the plexiglass!
Stomach of Steel/Spleen of Steel
For teetotallers, when you complete the Deep Fat Friars quest, you will be awarded Stomach of Steel instead of Liver of Steel. As you might guess, Stomach of Steel allows you to eat up to 20 fullness, instead of 15. Oxygenarians get the coveted Spleen of Steel, which allows you to eat up to 20 stat boosters. Useful!
Adventure Changes in Ascension
In Ascension, a few adventures change to slightly different versions. These changes are all cosmetic. The adventures which have changed, to my knowledge, are Hammer Time (in the Sleazy Back Alley), Strike in the Dark, which changes to Spared in the Dark (in the Sleazy Back Alley), Knob Goblin Dilemma (in the Outskirts of Cobb's Knob), and The Singing Tree (in the Haunted Pantry). These changes appear to alternate across Ascensions: that is, after Ascending the first time, you'll see the new versions, then the next Ascension will restore the original versions, and so forth.
One permanent change, and by far the most amusing, however, is in the 8-Bit Realm, where after ascension, all Goombas change into Buzzy Beetles. (For those of you too young to get the joke, in the original Super Mario Brothers, after freeing the Princess, you could start over again, and all of the Goombas would be changed into Buzzy Beetles.)
Ascension and Skills
Every time you ascend, you get to keep a new skill. Skills kept from softcore ascensions will be available only in softcore ascensions, while skills kept from hardcore ascensions will be available in any type of ascension. Note that your first ascension counts as softcore, so if you choose to go hardcore the first time you won't have any skills.
Ascension and Gifts
Each time you Ascend, you get new things available to you in the Gift Shop. The first time you ascend, you get a new plant and a new cake; the second time you ascend, you get a new stuffed toy and a new balloon; and the third time you ascend you get a new box. Then the pattern repeats. The new items (with the number of ascensions required in brackets) are:
- potted fern [1] (200 Meat; item)
- tulip [4] (500 Meat; item)
- Venus flytrap [7] (1000 Meat; item)
- all-purpose flower [10] (2000 Meat; usable item)
- exotic orchid [13] (5000 Meat; item)
- long-stemmed rose [16] (10000 Meat; item)
- gilded lily [19] (20000 Meat; item)
- deadly nightshade [22] (50000 Meat; usable item)
- black lotus [25] (100000 Meat; item)
- stuffed ghuol whelp [2] (200 Meat; off-hand item)
- stuffed zobmie [5] (500 Meat; off-hand item)
- Raggedy Hippy doll [8] (1000 Meat; off-hand item)
- stuffed stab bat [11] (2000 Meat; off-hand item)
- apathetic lizardman doll [14] (5000 Meat; usable item)
- stuffed yeti [17] (10000 Meat; off-hand item)
- stuffed Mob Penguin [20] (20000 Meat; off-hand item)
- stuffed sabre-toothed lime [23] (50000 Meat; off-hand item)
- giant stuffed bugbear [26] (100000 Meat; off-hand item)
- Happy Birthday, Claude! cake [1] (200 Meat; food, 3 A, 3 F)
- personalized birthday cake [4] (500 Meat; food, 3 A, 3 F)
- three-tiered wedding cake [7] (1000 Meat; food)
- babycakes [10] (2000 Meat; food, 2 A, 2 F)
- blue velvet cake [13] (5000 Meat; food)
- congratulatory cake [16] (10000 Meat; food)
- angel-food cake [19] (20000 Meat; food)
- devil's-food cake [22] (50000 Meat; food)
- birthday party jellybean cheesecake [25] (100000 Meat; food)
- heart-shaped balloon [2] (200 Meat; off-hand item)
- anniversary balloon [5] (500 Meat; off-hand item)
- Mylar balloon [8] (1000 Meat; off-hand item)
- Kevlar balloon [11] (2000 Meat; off-hand item)
- thought balloon [14] (5000 Meat; off-hand item)
- rat head balloon [17] (10000 Meat; familiar equipment, -3 familiar level)
- mini-zeppelin [20] (20000 Meat; off-hand item)
- Mr. Balloon [23] (50000 Meat; off-hand item, +3 all attributes)
- red balloon [26] (100000 Meat; off-hand item)
- exactly-three-shaped box [3] (200 Meat; carries up to 3 types of items)
- chocolate box [6] (500 Meat; carries up to 4 types of items)
- miniature coffin [9] (1000 Meat; carries up to 5 types of items)
- solid asbestos box [12] (2000 Meat; carries up to 6 types of items)
- solid linoleum box [15] (5000 Meat; carries up to 7 types of items)
- solid chrome box [18] (10000 Meat; carries up to 8 types of items)
- cryptic puzzle box [21] (20000 Meat; carries up to 9 types of items)
- refrigerated biohazard container [24] (50000 Meat; carries up to 10 types of items)
- magnetic field [27] (100000 Meat; carries up to 11 types of items)
The KoL wiki has
a complete list of all known gifts.
Trophies -- see TrophyHut
With Torso Awaregness, you can now wear shirts! Here are the known shirts in the Kingdom. The Mr. Shirt is, of course, a hacked item, and the Ascension Souvenir T-Shirt was given (I believe) only to Ascension testers, but all of the rest can be obtained normally. To the best of my knowledge, shirts will never drop unless you have Torso Awaregness, nor can you obtain the star shirt or goth kid t-shirt without it. (You can, however, still supertinker the clockwork trench coat without the skill.) It may have been possible to get the supportive bra without Torso Awaregness during the first few weeks of Ascension, but it is not now.
To see the statistics of all the shirts, check out the sortable shirt list at ShirtListByPower.
- Ascension Souvenir T-Shirt -- given to Ascension testers
- frilly shirt -- Degrassi Knoll
- harem girl t-shirt -- dropped by Knob Goblin Harem Girls
- Mr. Shirt -- testing item only
- Knob Goblin elite shirt -- dropped by Knob Goblin Elite Guards
- filthy hippy poncho -- Hippy Camp (in disguise)
- soggy wofl t-shirt -- Orcish Frat House (in disguise)
- loathing eagle baby-doll shirt -- Orcish Frat House (in disguise) (females only)
- pirate shirt -- Pirate Cove (in disguise)
- supportive bra -- dropped by Lumberjills
- clockwork trench coat -- supertinker (see above)
- goth kid t-shirt -- use a Warm Subject gift certificate (once only)
- rhinestone cowboy shirt -- The Shore: Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure (males only)
- gingham blouse -- The Shore: Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure (females only)
- floral print shirt -- The Shore: Tropical Paradise Island Getaway (males only)
- coconut bikini top -- The Shore: Tropical Paradise Island Getaway (females only)
- souvenir ski t-shirt -- The Shore: Large Donkey Mountain Ski Resort
- star shirt -- combine 15 stars and 15 lines
And finally, a few things that don't fit into any of the other categories:
- Ascending resets all the effects of the ! potions.
- When you Ascend, you don't have to complete the Toot Oriole quest again. (But you do still need to visit the Toot Oriole to get the letter.)
- Most restrictions end when you break the King's prism: any dietary restrictions are lifted and Hardcore players are no longer limited by the Hardcore restrictions. Ronin, however, does not end, if you're still in ronin.
- You cannot shatter the King's prism when you're falling-down drunk, so don't get yourself falling-down drunk immediately after beating the Sorceress. You can, however, ascend when falling-down drunk, so once you've broken the prism you can get as drunk as you want.